We kicked off with our latest event series “Tech Confessions” hosted at the Digital Gurus office in Central Manchester.
We were joined by 4 brilliant industry experts that made up an exceptional panel, Amelia Bampton from Codurance, Dave Mason from Infinity Works, Clare Sudbery from Made Tech and Rick Boyce from AND Digital. Our fantastic audience was made up of around 80 guests, some Digital North members but also new faces, which is always great to see.
The evening was lead by hosts Lee Feeney (DG Principal Consultant) and Jay Guney (DG Director) who had our fantastic guests talking about their personal tech confessions consisting of data breaches, mini mistakes (that lead to even bigger issues…), failed product launches and generally, some really thought-provoking insight on approach, failures and learnings.
Our guests really didn’t hold back as they gave us their open and honest insight into their tech journeys – bearing all! It was authentic and refreshing with an underlying theme that ‘mistakes make us better'. There were plenty of laughs #itsonlysausages #excelisnotyourfriend, as well as down to earth and thought-provoking questions which ultimately enabled all attendees to head home having learnt something new.
1. Learn to accept fails. No one is perfect and mistakes are what makes us stronger as individuals, teams and businesses.
2. Be authentic, live, learn and embrace the more challenging parts of your career.
3. Don’t be scared of missing out on the latest thing! New tech doesn’t always mean you should use it, regardless of the benefits - let it mature before throwing it into a live environment!
4. Always be open to learning and developing.
5. Everyone starts from somewhere – remember that without trying and failing, you can’t grow.
A huge thank you to everyone who joined us and raised questions to our panellists, the event wouldn’t have been the same without you all.
Make sure to join us on meetup so you can be the first to hear about our upcoming events.
We hope to see you all again soon and some new faces too!