Meet Infinite's supply chain recruitment expert: Jack Rogers

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How long have you worked for Digital Gurus? Are you enjoying it so far?

I’ve been at Infinite for just 5 months now as a Senior Recruitment Consultant - and I’m loving it. I think being able to work within both the Manchester teams but also the Infinite head office in Birmingham is great, the collaborative culture here is strong.

Why did you decide to join Digital Gurus’ Infinite Tribe?

Infinite are all about logistics and supply chain recruitment and I have 7 or 8 years’ experience within that area. I was approached by the Director and I was instantly interested in the Rethink Group as a whole, and being part of a wider team.

What would you say to a recruiter who was just about to start their career in this industry? Do you have any golden nuggets of advice?

Don’t be scared to ask questions, the first year is definitely the hardest year, as you will need to build up contacts and connections. A lot of people just don’t stick with it for long enough to really get things going, so be resilient and you’ll see the rewards.

The industry itself has got a reputation for being quite high-pressured and fast, how do you manage that personally?

I think for me it's very clear about setting up a daily, weekly and monthly plan – which is really easy to do and stay on track of. I’ve worked at other companies where I’ve had high targets and it’s very KPI driven, but at Infinite and Digital Gurus, it’s not like that at all. It's quite a grown-up approach here. You’re left alone to get on with your job, because ultimately the trust is there.

What do you think the biggest misconception is of the recruitment industry?

I think within recruitment any bad reputation usually goes back to the level of service you’ve had, which is why some businesses maybe reluctant to use agencies because of a previous bad experience or rumours of bad service. But we make it our aim to keep providing consistent, good quality work and doing our best to make sure that kind of misconception changes.

What does a great candidate experience look like to you?

For me, I wouldn’t want the first point of contact to be a quick 5- or 10-minute conversation, I want to be on the phone for a good 45 minutes finding out everything about them. I want to know my candidates inside and out so it's not only just about work, work, work for me. I ask about hobbies, lifestyle, get them to share stories. You get to see a candidate's background in depth when you ask less obvious interview questions.

When I end the conversation, I want the candidate to feel confident that I’m a specialist within the industry, that market, and know that they’ll have a follow-up contact from me straight away and throughout, arranging a follow up meeting for a week’s time to discuss our progress.

What are the must-have qualities you look for when hiring for Infinite and the Supply Chain space?

Infinite is quite different because rather than being tech focussed we deal with trucks and sheds! That’s what I like to call it in logistics. So for these types of roles it’s less about qualities and more about culture fit. We want to go on site, meet the teams and make sure that the culture is right for when we go and speak to candidates. We’re match-making, making sure that when they join it's not just about key skills it's about the culture and where a candidate is going to enjoy working and thrive.

If you were any animal in the world, what would you be?

I’d probably say just for the size, a Giraffe. I’m dead tall, lanky - no joke.

Then again, on the flip side, probably a bear or something cuddly.

If you could have any superpower, what would you have and why?

To be able to fly! Just to get up and go – sneak off over to another country whenever I like. My favourite holiday destination is Ibiza, I used to go every year before the pandemic, so like most people I’ve definitely missed the sun and the sea.

How would your colleagues describe you in 3 words?

Tall, passionate about logistics (it's all I seem to go on about outside of work too) and always up for a beer.

How would you describe the kind of team culture at Infinite and Digital Gurus as a whole?

Really good, it's probably one of the main reasons why I joined. As I said before it's a grown-up atmosphere here. Most recruiting businesses are very KPI driven, with unnecessary amount of pressure, and while we absolutely have clear targets and are focussed on reaching goals, we’re also a relaxed, friendly and genuine group of people who treats everyone like we’re part of a big family.

If you want to join the DG team, just get in touch. We are looking for experienced recruiters and we can’t wait to hear from you!

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